
AEVIS VICTORIA owns a unique mix of high-quality real estate assets, including properties in the healthcare and hospitality sectors. The Group’s property portfolio is composed of participations in Infracore SA (directly and indirectly 30%) and Swiss Hotel Properties SA (100%).


Infracore SA is a healthcare infrastructure company based in Switzerland. Its portfolio consists of 39 quality properties situated at 17 prime locations across Switzerland, representing a total rental surface of 184’199 sqm and a market value of CHF 1.1 billion. Almost all properties are fully let, mainly through long-term leases with hospitals belonging to Swiss Medical Network. The development potential of the portfolio amounts to 45’000 sqm. Infracore is jointly controlled by AEVIS VICTORIA SA and by Medical Properties Trust, Inc.

Swiss Hotel Properties

Swiss Hotel Properties is a hospitality infrastructure company based in Switzerland. Its portfolio consists of 18 properties situated at five prime locations across Switzerland, representing a total surface of 100’913 sqm and a market value of approximately CHF 508.6 million. The properties are fully let, through long-term leases with hotels belonging to Victoria-Jungfrau and Seiler Hotels.