AEVIS VICTORIA SA / Key word(s): AGMEGM Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Fribourg, 7 April 2022 AEVIS VICTORIA SA - Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 28 April 2022 AEVIS VICTORIA SA (AEVIS) will hold its Ordinary General Meeting for the financial year 2021 on Thursday, 28 April 2022, at 14:30, in the company's offices in Echandens. In accordance with Article 27 of the COVID-19 Ordinance 3 and as decided by the Board of Directors of AEVIS, shareholders may only exercise their voting rights through the independent proxy. It will be impossible for shareholders or other representatives to physically attend the General Meeting. The investment activity has allowed to realize substantial profit at the holding level and the Board of Directors therefore proposes an appropriation of retained earnings including an allocation to the legal retained earnings of CHF 475'685, an ordinary distribution of CHF 0.40 per share and an extraordinary distribution of CHF 0.60 per share. The Board thus confirms the company's dividend policy and its willingness to share the value created by the company with its shareholders. When approved, the ordinary dividend distribution of CHF 0.20 per share (CHF 0.13 net) and the ordinary distribution from capital contribution reserves of CHF 0.20 per share will be paid on 4 May 2022 (ex-date 2 May 2022). The extraordinary dividend distribution of CHF 0.30 per share (CHF 0.195 net) and the extraordinary distribution from capital contribution reserves of CHF 0.30 per share will be paid on 5 July 2022 (ex-date 1 July 2022). Among other regular agenda items of the General Meeting, the shareholders will be asked to approve the individual re-election of Christian Wenger (as Member and Chairman), Raymond Loretan, Antoine Hubert, Michel Reybier, Antoine Kohler and Dr Cédric A. George for a term of one year until the next ordinary General Meeting. The Board of Directors also proposes to re-elect Cédric A. George and Antoine Kohler as Members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Jacques-Daniel Noverraz as independent Proxy and Berney Associés Audit SA as auditor for the financial year 2022. The shareholders will also vote on amendments to the Articles of Association in connection with the Swiss Corporate Law Reform, in particular on the holding of general meetings. The General Meeting will finally be called to approve the increase and extension of the authorized capital, allowing the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by a maximum nominal amount of CHF 42'264'730 million until 28 April 2024, with the objective to finance potential acquisitions. The complete Agenda for the Ordinary General Meeting for the year 2021 (in French) can be downloaded using the link below: Additional features: File: AEVIS VICTORIA SA - Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 28 April 2022 End of ad hoc announcement |
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